Sunday 27 January 2013

Why effective communication is important to me?

Communication is an activity involving words, body language and gestures, facial expressions and tone. Effective communication is the ability of the speaker to convey the message accurately and for the listener to understand the full meaning of the message. It certainly involves the undivided attention of both the speaker and the active listener for good communication to take place.

Communication is a daily activity and is essential in every aspect of our lives. We meet people from all walks of life every day. When we converse with people from diverse cultures, backgrounds and race, it is important that we hold proper conversations as their way of living and perspective would be different from us. Effective communication is therefore essential so that we are mindful not to offend and convey the intended message without any ambiguity.

In this competitive society, being able to communicate effectively gives one an advantage over others. It certainly portrays the confident side of the individual, and creates a positive image of the person. When competing for intriguing job positions, the person with the right communication tactics and ability to express and promote himself/herself ideally gets the job. People who can speak well enlist support easily and are also empowered with the ability to lead. This helps them to work their way up the social ladder efficiently. In the workforce, interpersonal relationship among colleagues can be strengthened via active and effective communication. By voicing out, one is expressing his/her thoughts freely and allowing their ideas and opinions be heard. This could result in fewer misunderstandings and create a more peaceful working environment.

I certainly agree that communicating efficiently is an important skill for everyone to grasp. Being a good communicator definitely adds value to us as individuals and is beneficial in every area of our lives.


  1. Hiiii Sharlene,

    This was a fine blog post! Are you desperate to be a good communicator therefore good leader? It certainly seems like so. But I'd like to single out to you a logical grey area: all good leaders are somewhat good communicators, but all good communicators are not good leaders.

    My dear Sharlene, I've given you the direction in your life henceforth! You don't need to be a good communicator to be a good leader, because there are countless other qualities in a leader that take up equal percentage as that of communication. A good leader first and foremost start with a good heart and who places others before himself or herself. I don't think any course in the world teaches you how to explicitly have a good heart except perhaps the bible one.

    If you are in ES2007s to hope to be a good leader, then it wouldn't work out logically and properly; it only appears everywhere in our world that good communicators are good leaders, but the reality might not be, or hardly is, the case at all. Good communicators might be too popular and consequently influential, for truly good leaders to topple them from their pedastal, because good communicators take up most of the limelight. Do you agree, dear Sharlene? If you are in ES2007s to simply be a good communicator, then let it begin for you.

    Having said all that, you are going to have an amazing learning journey in ES2007s nonetheless.


  2. Thank you, Sharlene, for this initial post. You present very clearly how important effective comm skills are. You approach this position from various angles, including that of a person in the competitive work environment. Your ideas are very articulately expressed and well organized. What I feel is missing however is a direct reference to your own specific needs. If you look at the directions for this task, you see the emphasis on "for you." One short paragraph could do that.

    In any case, I appreciate your hard work!

  3. Hi Mr Blackstone, here is an add on of why effective communication is important to me, relative to my specific needs.

    I recall having to sit through an oral presentation given by one of my classmates during junior college days. To me, I deem her presentation to be good as everyone could understand her intended message clearly. It was then that I aspired to be a better communicator myself. Communication is an essential skill needed in every aspect of my life. It is of my desire to be an effective communicator in front of a small/large group of audience. It has dawn onto me that I no longer want to feel so nervous and the lack of confidence when I do oral presentations. But rather, I aspire to deliver my intended message as clearly and as concise as possible during presentation, so much so that the ideas that I am communicating flows naturally with my audience and they understand the gist of my message. Also, being able to communicate and express myself efficiently and confidently would help other people understand me better and result in fewer communication breakdowns. I believe that this module gives me a really good platform to interact with other communicators of various backgrounds, and it gives me an opportunity to practise what is preached.

    Sharlene :)

  4. Hi Sharlene,

    I love your add-on to the blog post! I understand what you mean. I am always impressed by my peers who have the ability to engage the crowd during presentation or public speaking. I will get drawn by their confidence and give my utmost attention to them as they are such excellent speakers. When I reflected upon my own presentation skills, I hope that I will one day be as inspiring as my peers were to me. It is a pity if the content is excellent but one cannot deliver them well. I do agreed that by interacting with various communicators you can pick up a tip or two. With more practices, I am positive that we will both be better communicators.

    Cheers, Xiao Wei.
